is one of the 17 mega-diverse countries in the world. With only 2.4% of
the world’s area, India accounts for 7-8% of the world’s recorded plant
and animal species. India’s ten biogeographic zones possess an
exemplary diversity of ecological habitats like alpine forests,
grasslands, wetlands, coastal and marine ecosystems, and desert
has 4 out of 34 global biodiversity hotspots, which is an indicator of
high degree of endemism (of species) in India. India’s biodiversity
includes wild relatives of agricultural crops and domesticated animals.
India has 16 major types and 251 subtypes of forests.
India’s Constitutional and other efforts on Biodiversity
protection is enshrined in the Constitution of India [Article 48A and
Article 51A (g). Wide-ranging policies, programmes and projects are in
place, which directly or indirectly serve to protect, conserve and
sustainably use the country’s biological resources. These include:
- Forest (Conservation) Act
- Wildlife (Protection) Act
- Biological Diversity Act
- National Green Tribunal Act
- National Biodiversity Action Plan
- National Forest Policy
- National Wildlife Action Plan
- National Forestry Action Programme
- National Environment Policy and
- National Action Plan on Climate Change.
use of our biodiversity, therefore, has both ecological and economic
value. It is with this objective that India has enacted Biological
Diversity Act, 2002 and set up a National Biodiversity Authority (NBA)
in 2003 with an explicit mandate of promoting conservation of biological
resources and associated knowledge as well as facilitating access to
them in a sustainable manner.
Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, enacted
in 2006, is a tool to provide occupational and habitational rights to
the people, thus, incentivising conservation and sustainable use of
biological resources by providing access to livelihood enhancing
resources to people.
National Biodiversity Action Plan of
2008 developed in consultation with various stakeholders and by taking
cognizance of legislative and policy framework is a dynamic matrix for
mainstreaming biodiversity concerns in the country. India proudly
upholds the tradition of nature conservation Jim Corbett National Park
covering an area of 325 sq. Km. came into being as the India’s first and
world’s third National Park in 1936. India has currently 4.79% of total
geographic area under an elaborate network of protected areas (PAs),
which includes 99 National Parks, 513 wildlife sanctuaries, 43
conservation reserves, 4 community reserves and 4 Biodiversity Heritage
Under the Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme out of 17 biospheres in India (70,000 sq. km ), seven are already in UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves (World total 503).
India has a National Wetland Conservation Programme covering
125 wetlands including 25 Ramsar sites under the Ramsar Convention.
India accounts for about 5% of the world’s- mangroves (including
Sunderbans delta the largest mangrove forest in the world) and partners
with lUCN’s Mangroves for future programme and has established a
National Institute of the Mangrove Research at Kolkata. Coral reefs in
India occupy an extent of 2375 sq. km. (including the Andaman Islands,
which have rich coral diversity and a National Coral Reef Research
Centre at Port Blair).
National Lake Conservation Plan
It covers 42 lakes, which aims at rejuvenation in terms of improvement on water quality and biodiversity.
objective of the scheme is to restore and conserve the urban and
semi-urban lakes of the country degraded due to waste water discharge
into the lake and other unique freshwater eco systems, through an
integrated ecosystem approach.
Activities covered under NLCP
of pollution from point sources by intercepting, diverting and treating
the pollution loads entering the lake. The interception and diversion
works may include sewerage & sewage treatment for the entire lake
catchment area.
- In situ measures of lake cleaning such as de-silting, de- weeding, bioremediation, aeration, bio-manipulation, nutrient reduction, withdrawal of anoxic hypolimnion, constructed wetland approach or any other successfully tested eco- technologies etc depending upon the site conditions.
- Catchment area treatment, which may include afforestation, storm water drainage, and silt traps etc
- Strengthening of bund, lake fencing, shoreline development etc.
- Lake front eco-development including public interface.
- Solid waste management & provision of dhobi ghats is generally not covered under NLCP.
- Prevention of pollution from non-point sources by providing low cost sanitation.
- Public awareness and public participation.
- Capacity building, training and research in the area of Lake Conservation.
- Any other activity depending upon location specific requirements
India has a National River Conservation Plan under
implementation in 160 cities covering 34 rivers. NGRBA (National Ganga
River Basin Authority) is responsible for conserving and sustainable use
of the biodiversity of the river Ganges.
Legislative and Policy Measures for Biodiversity Conservation
has been a signatory to the Convention since 18th February 1994, and is
one of the first countries to have enacted an appropriate comprehensive
legislation to achieve the objectives of the convention. As signatory
to the CBD, the Biological Diversity Act, 2002, passed on December 11,
2002 came into force on February 5, 2003, followed by the formation of
it Rules in 2004.
Biological Diversity Act of 2002 provides necessary statutory and
administrative mechanism at the National, State and Local body levels to
realise the objectives of the Act and CBD. A three-tiered system of
regulation is envisaged under the Biological Diversity Act, which
consists of the National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) at the apex level,
Biodiversity Boards (SBBs) at State level and Biodiversity Management
Committees (BMCs) " at local level.
The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001 and
Rules 2003 deal primarily with the protection of plant breeders rights
over the new varieties developed. The Act also provides for protection
of farmer’s varieties and creation of national gene fund for promoting conservation of local varieties.
The Geographical Indications of Goods Act, 1999 has
been enacted to provide for protection of geographical indications of
goods referring to a place of origin of that product and the exclusion
of unauthorized persons from misusing geographical indications. Till
march 2012, 169 goods have been registered.
National Innovation Foundation (NIF), an
autonomous society established in 2000 for recognising, respecting and
rewarding innovations and outstanding traditional knowledge at
grassroots, has developed a model for facilitating prior informed
consent for local innovators and traditional knowledge holders which
provides for NIF mediation.
Protection of Traditional Knowledge
has possessed a rich traditional knowledge of ways and means practiced
to treat diseases afflicting people. This knowledge has generally been
passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation. A part of
this knowledge has been described in ancient classical and other
literature, often inaccessible to the common person and even when
accessible rarely understood. Documentation of this existing knowledge,
available in public domain, on various traditional systems of medicine
has become imperative to safeguard the sovereignty of this traditional
knowledge and to protect it from being misappropriated in the form of
patents on non-original innovations, and which has been a matter of
national concern.
fought successfully for the revocation of turmeric and basmati patents
granted by United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and neem
patent granted by European Patent Office (EPO). As a sequel to this, in
1999, the Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha
and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) and Council of Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR) constituted an inter-disciplinary Task Force, for
creating an approach paper on establishing a Traditional Knowledge
Digital Library (TKDL).
Biodiversity Act 2002
The Biodiversity Act address
Biodiversity Act - 2002 primarily addresses acpess to genetic resources
and associated knowledge by foreign individuals, institutions or
companies, to ensure equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the
use of these resources and knowledge to the country and the people.
The Biological Diversity Act covers
Act covers conservation, use of biological resources and associated
knowledge occurring in India for commercial or research purposes or for
the purposes of bio-survey and bioutilisation. it provides a framework
for access to biological resources and sharing the benefits arising out
of such access and use. The Act also includes in its ambit the transfer
of research results and application-for intellectual property rights
(IPRs) relating to Indian biological resources.
Requirement under the Biological Diversity Act
Ac covers foreigners, non-resident Indians, body corporate, association
or organization that is either not incorporated in India or
incorporated in India with non-Indian participation in its share capital
or management. These individuals or entities require the approval of
the National Biodiversity Authority when they use biological resources
and associated knowledge occurring in India for commercial or research
purposes or for the purposes of bio-survey or bio-utilisation.
and Indian institutions do not require the approval of the National
Biodiversity Authority when they engage in the above - mentioned
activities. However, they would need to inform the State Biodiversity
Boards prior to undertaking such activities. However, any commercial
application related to use of biological resources should be approved by
the Authority.
The legislation provides for the following exemptions
- Exemption to local people and community of the area for free access to use biological resources within India
- Exemptions to growers and cultivators of biodiversity and to Vaids and Hakims to use biological resources.
- Exemption through notification of normally traded commodities from the purview of the Act
- Exemption for collaborative research through government sponsored or government approved institutions subject to overall policy guidelines and approval of the Central Government
The National Biodiversity Authority (NBA)
National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) was established in 2003 to
implement India’s Biological Diversity Act (2002). The NBA is Autonomous
body and that performs facilitative, regulatory and advisory function
for Government of India on issue of Conservation, sustainable use of
biological resource and fair equitable sharing of benefits of use. The
headquarter of NBA is at Chennai.
State Biodiversity Boards (SBB)
matters relating to access by Indians for commercial purposes will be
under the purview of the State Biodiversity Boards (SBB). The Indian
industry will be required to provide prior intimation to the concerned
SBB about the use of biological resource. The State Board will have the
power to restrict any such activity, which violates the objectives of
conservation, sustainable use and equitable sharing of benefits.
Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs)
of local self government will be required to set up Biodiversity
Management Committees in their respective areas for conservation,
sustainable use, documentation of biodiversity and chronicling of
knowledge relating to biodiversity.
and SBBs are required to consult the concerned BMCs on matters related
to use of biological resources and associated knowledge within their